What is this?
A one-way email
announcement delivery system on our server. It is great for newsletters, sales, announcements,
100 000 + subscribers.
designed to manage mailing lists with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
excellent with smaller lists too!
No duplicate messages.
No 'forgotten' messages. It manages message delivery with a message
queue, ensuring that every subscriber gets the email message, and that
no subscribers receive two copies, even if they're subscribed to more than
one list!
Open/View Tracking tells
how many users opened your email.
Multiple Subscribe Pages
allow you to choose many different combinations of templates, languages,
user attributes and lists.
Templates are completely
Subscriber Attributes
like 'name', 'country', and other personal information, are completely
customizable. You can specify what information you need to get from users
when they subscribe.
User Specific Content.
You can use Subscriber Attributes in message content to make each and every
email message personalized with the subscribers name, country, or any other
HTML email messages.
You decide what format a message is sent in: text only, html only, or both!
The HTML Editor allows
you to create html emails (like MS Word).
Subscriber Preferences.
Subscribers can update their own info through a personalized link at the
bottom of every email message.
Bounce Processing clears
unused and non-existent email addresses.
Attachments can be uploaded/included
in messages for download.
PDF messages can be automatically
created & sent as attachments to ensure that your message is seen the
way it was designed.
Scheduled Sending let's
you tell it when to send your message.
Why use our service?
It is comparable in features
to Constant Contact but we can offer this service on our servers at a more
affordable rate.
What does it cost?
Pricing is based on email
list size.
email list size 0-500: $10/month
($15 with Constant Contact)
email list size 501-2,500: $20/mo
($30 with Constant Contact)
You will also need a domain
name which you can purchase yourself or we can register/renew for $10/year.
If you already have a domain name you will need to set the dns to our server.
Custom templates
You can follow the program
documentation to create your own custom template or we can create a custom
template for you for an additional one-time fee of $10. With the custom
template all you have to do is fill in a form (similar to Microsoft Word
pressing b for bold, it for italic, etc) and press send.
Who is using it?
The Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce uses
our services for this email program. Many of our retail and service clients
use this program to send out announcements.
This is an opt-in, permission
based service. Spam is NOT allowed nor is the use of purchased email lists.
Any unauthorized use will cancel service with no refund. |